About Shri Mataji
The founder of Sahaja Yoga
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi discovered a unique method of meditation called "Sahaja Yoga" which allows the achievement of inner enlightenment and reveals the true potential of humanity. Shri Mataji devoted her entire life to the development and dissemination of this method, and today hundreds of thousands of people around the world practice Sahaja Yoga.

Your First Meditation By Shri Mataji
Discover the power of Sahaja Yoga meditation guided by Shri Mataji herself.
The great master of yoga
Shri Mataji showed that within each person there is a motherly spiritual energy called Kundalini, the awakening of which leads to a state of spontaneous meditation. Unlike many ancient teachers who were only able to share this experience with a few individuals, Shri Mataji could raise the Kundalini in thousands of people, something previously considered impossible.
The opportunity to awaken this inner spiritual energy distinguishes Sahaja Yoga from other methods of meditation. It is the extraordinary living experience that allows us to achieve a state of complete peace and satisfaction, touch the very essence of our beings, and uncover our very best qualities.

A life dedicated to humanity
Shri Mataji not only founded and spread the method of Sahaja Yoga far across the world but also created many non-profit organizations in various fields of public life.
From a centre for destitute women and orphans, international schools with comprehensive and balanced curriculum, health centres using the methods of Sahaja Yoga to academies teaching classical arts - the list of Shri Mataji's achievements is striking in its diversity.

Sharing the experience
The method of meditation discovered by Shri Mataji began to spread around the world after she and her family moved to London. She gave television and radio interviews, and held lectures in public halls across the country, never charging any money for these lectures or the experience of Self Realisation.

The global vision
From the 1980s onwards, Shri Mataji began to travel the world to bring her knowledge to all who wished to receive it. Her vision was global, aiming to change the world for the better by giving each person a method to achieve inner transformation and become their true selves.

Inner development as the foundation of a healthy society
Shri Mataji, in her lectures and conversations, paid attention to many aspects of a person's life, saying that the inner state enlightened by the practice of meditation must find an outward manifestation in all spheres of human life.

From Nirmala to 'Shri Mataji'
Soon Shri Mataji began to teach this new method to a few close individuals in India, awakening their Kundalinis to give them 'Self-Realisation'. Her students reached a state of inner freedom and lightness, feeling a cool breeze on the palms and above the head. Due to her loving and selfless work, her students gave her the name Shri Mataji, meaning "respected holy mother."